Frequently Asked Questions
Can I re-download the app for free?
Yes. If you purchased the with the same iTunes account, you can download it again from the App Store for free.
I previously unlocked an app, can re-unlock it again for free?
If you unlocked the app the with the same iTunes account, you can reunlock it for free.
- First make sure you are logged into the same iTunes account.
- Launch the app
- Hold down the unlock button to activate the unlock
- When Apple prompts you to purchase it, select OK. If you had previously purchased it, you won’t be charged again.
- Apple will then notify you that you had previously purchased it. Press OK to proceed.
- That’s it!
How do I restart my device?
Apple provides guides for each device:
- iPhone:
- iPod touch:
- iPad:
How do I delete an app?
To delete an app, press down the app’s icon until all your apps start shaking. An X in a black circle should appear on the top corner of all of the apps. Press the X of the app you wish to delete, and you will be prompted to delete it.
How do I re-download an app?
To re-download an app, find it in the app store on your device and select install. You will not have to purchase it again if you used the same iTunes login.
If you are re-installing from iTunes on a Mac or PC, make sure it is in your list of apps. Under Library click Apps and make sure you see the icon. If it isn’t there, click “Get More Apps” and download it from the app store.
Then make sure you have selected to install it on your device.
- Select the device * Select the tab labeled “Apps” for that device
- Scroll down the list and make sure there is a check next to the app. If not, check it.
- Press the button labeled Synch to copy the game to your device
- Once the synch is complete, you should should have the app installed on your device